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Wednesday, August 15, 2007 

Stop Waiting For Cord Blood Donors - Go For Cord Blood Storage Now

Finding a suitable cord blood donor for medical purpose is marked with many issues. In many cases, people are not able to get the perfect match for their medical needs. A large number of people die waiting for a transplant due to this reason. This particularly holds true for adoptive children. They may not have any biological sibling or family member to look out for matches. Besides this, children without siblings and people belonging to certain races or ethnicities, who dont have access to other people of their race in their area, also face problems. Cord blood storage in a cord blood bank provides an answer to this problem.

Moreover, finding a match does not guarantee the success of an umbilical cord blood transplant. This is because our human body is programmed to reject anything it finds "foreign," even if that thing comes as your lifesaver.

Become Your Own Donor

Imagine a situation where you dont have to consider the above issues. How about becoming your own donor? Then, you can always get a perfect match and reduce the risk of rejection to a great extent. Sounds too good to be true? But it IS true! cord blood banking has made it true!

Cord blood stem cells work extremely well in transplants because they shoulder the responsibility of non-functioning cells that they try to replace. For example, the body of a leukemia patient stops producing the adequate amount of white blood cells in the bone marrow. Before the discovery of cord blood stem cells, leukemia patients had to wait anxiously to find a suitable bone marrow donor and then have a transplant, which had its own uncertainties. It might either work or not.

However, the scenario has changed with the discovery of cord blood stem cells. Now, the match is guaranteed, as the blood comes from your body directly, and the stem cells rapidly convert into cells that will turn into normal functioning bone marrow. This will ensure the generation of white blood cells to combat the deadly disease.

Cored Blood Stem Cells - The Wonder Cells

Since stem cells have the amazing ability to transform into any type of cells, cord blood is a kind of wonder tool to treat and many scary diseases such as various types of cancers, sickle cell anemia, genetic or immune system disorder, and others.

With cord blood, you dont have to go through a horrible waiting period while finding a suitable match. Doctors can start your treatment immediately, thus, allowing you complete recovery since the disease will not have taken full control of your body.

Besides this, you can become a cord blood donor yourself to save your sick sibling or family member. You need not run from pillar to post searching for a suitable donor to save the life of your loved ones. Well, this really is a giant leap on earth itself!

Stop waiting for cord blood donors to save your loved one! Be your own donor and get treatment immediately.

The process of Cord blood banking or cord blood storage is a perfect answer to store cord blood stem cells in case you, your kids or someone in your family needs an umbilical cord blood transplant.

Cord Blood Banking has all the details and answers you have regarding the process and need for cord blood storage.

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