Monday, July 9, 2007 

Tretorn Sneakers - A Swedish Special

The Tretorn company was established in Sweden in the 1800's, and the influence of Scandinavia is evident in every Tretorn product, including Tretorn sneakers.

Tretorn sneakers are a part of the Gullwing line of footwear, and after just a bit of research, you'll find that a shoe by Tretorn is a unique shoe indeed! If you want a sneaker that stands out from the rest, then Tretorn sneakers are a smart buy.

Tretorn sneakers look nothing like brand-name sneakers from the United States. The styles are interesting and the color combinations unlike much that you'll see on a shelf at a local shoe store. If you're looking for a pair of sneakers that are not only comfortable and supportive but also quite fashionable, than why not give a pair of yellow or red Tretorn sneakers a try? Some Tretorn sneakers are more conventional-looking than others, but some are extra cool looking. And it's not a piece of cake to make a sneaker look original!

But it's really not all that surprising that Tretorn sneakers are so special. If you want a sneaker that not only fits right, but is different than every other shoe you see, then why not look to a company whose design is inspired by the styles and trends of Sweden?

Sneakers, after all, have a reputation of being modest and plain and the ones that do have some style don't really seem all that different from brand to brand. But this is not the case with Tretorn sneakers.

The style of a Tretorn sneaker is not ostentatious, as you might expect, however. It is simple and casual, just with an added flair that many American-brand shoes simply don't have! So when you go shopping around for a set of Tretorn sneakers, you'll discover an exciting variety of styles, colors, and patterns! Do you want a cool, elegant look or something quirkier? It's up to you.

Also, remember Terton's originals, a collection of rubber boots that boast attitude and style, in addition to quality. As well, you can even get a set of Tretorn tennis balls to go with your sneakers.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find reviews and information on shoes, boots, sandals, running shoes and more.

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Build Health: Go To School On Suzanne Sommers' Misfortune

Did you see the Larry King Live show where Suzanne Sommers informed us she was a victim of breast cancer?

Until then the butt-mastering, thigh-mastering Ms. Sommers was thought to be a model of good health. Not only that, legions of her fans followed the Suzanne Sommers Diet.

Suzanne acknowledged that as a model of good health she had to set an example and eat the right foods. Well, if she was eating all the right foods, why the cancer?

Some experts have theorized that Ms. Sommers carries a disease gene that resulted in her cancer.

Just like us, she has more than 30,000 genes that provide the coded instructions to: (1) Shape her body, and (2) Make it run.

Each gene consists of a section of DNA, which looks like a twisted ladder. It is actually the rungs of the ladder, comprised of just four molecules that can be arranged in seemingly endless combination that will tell a cell what to do. Often cells are told to produce a myriad of proteins that will carry out the work of the body.

Medical science has taken the position that when a disease results from an absent or insufficient or malformed protein, the problem usually can be traced to a glitch in the DNA.

The concept of human disease genes is nothing new. But compare the ongoing effort to reveal the genes thought to separate sick from healthy individuals, against the conclusion from a study of 90,000 identical twins reported in the New England Journal of Medicine in July, 2000:

"There is a low absolute probability that a cancer will develop in a person whose identical twin, a person with an identical genome and many similar exposures, has the same type of cancer...For cancer at the common sites in monozygotic twins, the rate of concordance is generally less than 15%."

How can it be, regarding cancer in identical twins, 85% of the time human disease genes do not act as human disease genes?

What is the difference between the twin with breast cancer [pretend that is Suzanne Sommers] and her cancer-free sister?

The answer: All metabolic enzyme systems function normally in the breasts of the cancer-free twin.

Go back to the theoretical genetic result of absent, or malformed or insufficient proteins performing cellular work. The proteins that perform cellular work are our metabolic enzymes.

We have over 2000 of them. Not only do these organic molecules have minerals within their chain, each metabolic enzyme requires an activator mineral to mobilize it. Minerals also activate hormones.

Here is what "experts" conveniently neglect:

Our genes do not determine the availability of minerals to serve as activators, or as inventory for the cellular construction of our metabolic enzymes. That depends upon the quality, the nutrient density, of the food in our diet.

The Suzanne Sommers Diet has one thing in common with all other diets:

The foods in her diet and every other diet lack minerals.

When we consume food and water deficient in minerals, this leads to the break down of our metabolic enzyme systems. Thats when we begin to lose immunity to degenerative disease, which is what happened to Suzanne Sommers.

About The Author

Bill Quesnell( is a health educator, author of Minerals: The Essential Link to Health, and Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation member. He farmed melon for eight years in Costa Rica where he learned how minerals build health and prevent disease by putting his hands in the soil, not by relying upon medical advice devoted to disease and treatment. Critical reviews of his book and a list of 15 harmful health myths can be found at

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